There are many perks to visiting Hat Six Travel Center in Evansville, WY. Our amenities include:
- Air and water services
- RV dump station
- Gas station
- Dog park
- Play area
- Free Wi-Fi
- Shower station
- Food court
- Coffee bar
- Truck scale
- Laundry facility
- Gift shop
- Bags of ice- 2 for $3
- Propane services
- Lottery
- AMBEST travel center
- Sinclair Gold truck stop
- Paved/Lighted truck parking
- Shorepower charging stations
- Professional driver’s lounge
We also have clean restrooms! All of your traveling needs are covered at Hat Six Travel Center.
If you have any questions about our travel center in Evansville, WY, call 307-234-0504. We hope to see you soon!